Practical Cleaning & Infection Control – New Training Course!

cleaning and infection controlAfter many months of planning and hard work, we are truly delighted with the feedback from our new Practical Cleaning and Infection Control Course. We will deliver this course for a number of Public and Private Residential Settings over the next few months. This month we are in Bandon Community Hospital and we will deliver for FAS during the month of October.

This course begins at 9am and the morning session provides participants with training and practical demonstration in the areas of Hand Hygiene, Laundry & Waste Management, Management of Spills & Bodily Fluids and Cleaning. The training is very interactive with both candidates and the trainer carrying out practical tasks in the classroom.

After lunch there is a detailed two hour practical demonstration of cleaning a bedroom thoroughly, a bathroom and a public room, using the equipment and chemicals available in the home. We also demonstrate how the cleaning trolley should be arranged and cleaned afterwards.

Our two trainers are highly experienced and well qualified in Cleaning and Infection Control.

The course maybe grant aided and class size is limited to eight persons.


Please call Mary at 087 9198168 for more details.

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