The Stigma Surrounding the bacteria Listeria Monocytogenes
The Stigma Surrounding Listeria The presence of Listeria, particularly Listeria Monocytogenes is a grave concern for many food business operators, particularly those manufacturing or processing raw foods such as milk and cheeses as well as ready to eat foods due the resistant capacity Listeria has of forming biofilms as well as its ability to multiply […]
Read moreThe Asian Market! What Ireland has to Offer
The Asian Market – What Ireland has to offer The Asian Market is the single largest economic driver in the world, having the fastest growing population worldwide serving home to 6/10 people in the world. This rapid expansion in population of 44 million people per year over the past 10 years has resulted in more […]
Read moreOccupational and Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
Over the years most of us at some stage will have administered first aid treatment. For some it may have been as simple as putting a sticking plaster on a cut and for others it might have been knowing what they had to do when a colleague had a seizure at work, or maybe you […]
Read moreThe Rise Of Coeliac Disease and the Need For Increased Knowledge on the Condition
Coeliac Disease is a prolonged autoimmune condition that is prompted by gluten which is found in wheat, barley and rye. Coeliac Disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten. This disease affects more females than males and research has estimated that 1 out of every 100 people in the world is affected by this condition. There […]
Read moreLatest BSE Scare for Ireland
BSE or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy has again caught public attention with an isolated case confirmed on a farm in County Louth on the 11th of June. BSE is a disease that damages the brain and central nervous system and eventually leads to the death of adult cattle. An unknown fact about BSE is that an […]
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