Our Work with The Association of Craft Butchers of Ireland
It is over a year since we started working with the ACBI implementing HACCP & delivering Food Safety Training. In contrast with the economic downturn the members we have worked with are actually developing & expanding their business. Many have developed their food offering to include “meals to go”, school lunches, outside catering & specialty meats for the discerning customer.
How come that in recessionary time the clients that we have worked with are growing rather than shrinking?
- Firstly they have absolute confidence in their product & their quality management system, HACCP.
- They welcome inspection by the regulatory officers & for that matter the customer at the counter.
- They know what the market requires & are not afraid to initiate new product offerings, including ready to eat foods & outside catering.
Many of the members we have worked with already had a HACCP system in place but required assurance that the system was relevant & compliant. Traceability, labelling & product recall were the main areas of concern. Having a user friendly & easy to manage system was paramount to each Butcher in conjunction to enjoying a positive relationship with Environmental Health Officer.
Once confident of an efficient Quality Assurance system, members can then develop & pursue new business, using their Quality system as a marketing tool.
We wish to thank the Butchers that have employed us; we compliment their endeavor & wish them continued success.
Tags: HACCP, ACBI, Butchers, Labelling, Quality Assurance